Welcome to StormCaster, an interactive map for forecasting and nowcasting severe weather up to a local scale in Europe, first for the Benelux. With ICON-D2@1K we have the best Ultra High Resolution weathermodel available right now to detect extreme weather before that occurs in detail.
ICON-D2@1K is the German high resolution weathermodel ICON-D2 from the Deutscher Wetterdienst, accelerated with AceCAST from US company TempoQuest Inc. From a 2.2 kilometer resolution down to a 1K resolution and with six intervals per hour. We refresh ICON-D2@1K currently five times each day.
StormCaster is developed by StormPlatform, a legal company based in De Bilt in The Netherlands and originated by stormchasers, especially for people getting warned early for severe weather. StormCaster is also a great tool for organisations and companies for whom the weather is critical to protect their and their clients interests.
StormCaster now first comes out for The Benelux, covering also parts of the west of Germany (including Ruhrgebiett) and the North of France. When we gain enough subscribers here in the ‘low countries’ we plan to expand to other parts of West-Europe asap.
Please stay safe!
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